Huron at Western University


School Introduction 院校介紹

Established in 1863, Huron is the founding institution of Western University, one of Canada's Top 6 universities. Primarily offering Business and Liberal Arts undergraduate degree programs, Huron provides a university experience that is completely unique to post-secondary institutions in Canada; an academically elite, yet accessible undergraduate education that is interdisciplinary while prioritizing ethical leadership & community engagement as much as academic achievement and career success. Professors provide students with one-on-one mentorship through intentionally small classes and a 18:1 student to faculty ratio. As well, all our programs include advanced research opportunities, experiential learning, paid internships, volunteer and international exchange programs that are available to each and every Huron student. The majority of Huron alumni hold leadership roles, including those in Canada and the world’s most distinguished organizations in business, law, government, technology and more. We are the only university in Ontario to have partnership with Harvard Business School, as we inspire our students to become 'Leaders with Heart’.


休倫建校160年以來英傑輩出,是加拿大歷史最悠久、最富名望的大學之一,也是哈佛大學的合作院校。作為韋仕敦大學的創辦院校,休倫是加拿大文理、商科教育的領導者。我們堅持小班教學,保證精英教育質量,並輔以包括學術、生活、職業發展等全方位的 『一對一』輔導支持。休倫是一所注重文理教育的大學,並堅信文理教育- Liberal Arts 對學生的啓發,配以我們高度的個人關懷和為學生提供的個性發展空間,使我們培養出德才兼備的 Leaders with Heart 。據統計,三分之二的休倫畢業生已經倫在他們的職業生涯中取得企業/政府部門的高層管理及以上的職位,其中不乏首席執行官、總裁、政府官員和企業家等。85% 的加拿大財富 500 強企業中均曾有休倫校友擔任高層管理職位。休倫教育的目標不僅是培養同齡人中的佼佼者,而是致力於推動全球社會發展的領導者。 


  • 休倫確保所有專業的學生在大學期間 100% 獲得帶薪實習機會 
  • 毅偉商學院HBA雙學位項目 
  • 哈佛大學商學院項目在安大略省唯一的合作院校 
  • 小班教學,平均班級人數 30 人,100 % 由教授親自授課且不設置助教 
  • 國際生獎學金、助學金項目最高可減免 50%學費


Main Fields of Study 主修課程類別

Business, Liberal Arts and Social Science.




Unique / Strong Programs 獨特 / 推介課程

  • Business Management
  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Business Intelligence
  • Psychology
  • Economic


商科(金融與管理、市場學與可持續發展、商業智能),經濟學,心理學,治理、領導力與倫理學、全球化研究中心、本科研究中心、Scotiabank 加拿大豐業銀行職業發展加速器 CAP 項目。 


Website 網址

Address 地址

1349 Western Rd.
N6H 1H3

Student Population 學生人口


International Student 國際學生人口


Language of Instruction 教學語言


Term Duration and Dates 學期資訊

September and January intakes.

Tuition Fees for International Students 國際學生學費

50,000 - 60,000 CAD

Application Deadline 截止報名日期

May 1st, 2024